Let me start by saying thank goodness for NPR here in San Diego and KPBS where I can still find news reported. I am not saying it is both sides all the time but at least I can get different viewpoints on the same subject. Try that just anywhere else. Good luck.
Now it made a big splash recently whereby Facebook and Google were going to make an attempt to ferret out the “fake” news. Bravo I say but there is a problem. Almost all the news print radio tv and internet comes at us with an agenda. We lack real news or accurate news
Faux News a puppet of the right. The Clinton News Network shameful as there was a time I felt it was good information delivered fairly. Creating Bothersome Stories the station of Cronkite has fallen quite a bit from the days that I never knew where Walter stood. Needs Big Change sorry Peacocks the party's over. Always Be Cheating get a rumor and stick with it. Well it sells commercials anyways
All of the above stations have labeled Mr Bannon a white supremacist, anti Semitic misogynist gay hating Islamophobic probably even baby killing demagogue. Now don’t get me wrong here I know little about Mr. Bannon because well there really is little out there. I might end up disliking him as much as I do say John Bolton and John Kerry. Extreme views are not my thing. There is a very good chance his political beliefs will not align with mine as a moderate. More than a good chance actually.
But he stands accused of some pretty terrible stuff.
When the story broke that Bannon was a racist anti Semitic Islamophobic (man this guy really has it out for a lot of folks) gay bashing he man woman hating tool, I thought to myself gee wiz I should look him up.
Naval Officer, Harvard Business School, Investment banker with Golman Sachs, Biosphere 2, Seinfeld early investor, Breitbart News (i think of them as Bigbarf btw) . Led campaign for Trump. Ok lets move on
Ok lets look for the damaging information
Hmm Divorce proceedings indicate he is anti Semitic sexist ok well I toss that out as divorces are always ugly and generally not good and accurate information.
Disgruntled employee claims he did not want his kid at a school because there were too many Jews. Kids go to said school anyway okay that is a toss away for me
Renegade Jew comment oh whoops that was not him but another oh well look at this it's a conservative of the Jewish faith that actually said it. Bigbarf did report it and it was accurate as the source claims he said it.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has him on the watch list but does not divulge why. I wish they would shed some light on the subject.
He called liberal women a bunch of dykes. So here is our gay hating misogynist except hmm he was defending conservative women? Odd way to go about it but hardly misogynist. Off color to be sure. He oversaw the hiring of gays conservatives at Bigbarf? Has publicly denounced the anti gay narrative of him.
He is part of the alt right movement. Ok now we are getting somewhere is this not the Heil Trump guys? I frickin hate Illinois Nazis now we got the White Nationalist bastard. Oh but wait um He says he is not alt right and there really is no proof that he is.
So in conclusion the story seems to lean on innuendo rumor and little truth. Mr Bannon might be all the evil things that have been thrown about and he is accused of. But do we not as Americans require proof before we vilify someone. Or is it enough when his political views do not align with ours to for lack of a better word to slander the man. .
I would hope that CBS NBC CNN and ABC would take pause before running with the story or give both sides to it. But they do not. What is shameful is that a free press is supposed to inform us bring forth points that are accurate. Be a watchdog of the Government for the people. A truly noble profession when performed to standards. But if they constantly slant their stories left (and sadly they do) they are not news stories but simply opinions. And sadly their standards appears to now be to fit the narrative into the direction they wish. Like the Bannon story for instance.
And for those that run to the defense of them saying suspected racist etc if that is your narrative consistently on all networks and part of the local news radio internet and newspaper headlines. What else are you doing other than pushing forward your agenda.
I have seen the press defend themselves as doing a good job. If that is true then why do so many Americans including myself not trust you. Where is your fact checking on this story on Bannon. If you cannot even see your shortcomings you will never improve. We need an impartial press for a strong free Democracy or really free Republic. One of the true pillars of a free people. Sadly we lack that in today's sensationalist journalism. I would not say it is dead but very hard to find. I would hope that some of the press still wants to hold that pillar straight and true.
I welcome any and all networks to prove Mr Bannon a racist. If you do you do us all a great favor in rooting the man out. I cannot and will not tolerate racism.
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