There has been much talk of a wall here in the United States. We all know it of the separation of our southern border from Mexico.But that is not the wall I speak of here today. There is a very large wall here in the US. Tall strong and effective. This wall is not physical but ideological and I would argue more effective than brick and mortar.
It is a wall that has been built over time brick by brick. A belief system that has been nurtured and laid the foundation for this wall that America must stand on opposite sides. . You are on one side of the wall or the other. There is no room for negotiation.What is crazy is that ideology changes within each side but it rarely makes a hole in the wall. In fact the wall is put there because we do not want to even see the other side. How did we get here?
To use a very recent example t below is a quote from Marco Rubio
"I've heard the people," Rubio continued. "I ran for office, I told everybody I was against ObamaCare, I told everybody that I was in favor of the things that I was in favor of.""I'm going to do what I told people I'm going to do. How unfair would it be to the people that voted for me to now change my opinion?"
Now I agree that Senator Rubio won fair and square just as President Trump did. But this pesky wall keeps getting in the way. I agree that Senator Rubio should take into consideration of those that voted for him. To not do so would be a break of trust. I get that. But I think Senator Rubio and I only am using him as an example as his statement triggered this thought line. What about the other 48 percent that did not vote for you? Do you not represent them as well,or do you only represent your party?
Now I will not say that this was some cathartic moment on reading the article on Rubio.This is something I have observed over time from Conservatives and Liberals, Democrats and Republicans, Red and Blue parties. I do not blame any one side more than the other. Both sides built this wall.
One of the most outrageous things I have ever seen in politics was Nancy Pelosi with the rather large volume of the American Care Act and declaring “We have to pass it to see what’s in it”
Fantastic way to govern dont you think? Both sides do it just like that.
We have gotten to a point where we would rather shout over those that don’t agree with us rather than listen. We would rather list problems than offer solutions. We would rather be on our side than entertain the other. There is no room for debate no room for compromise and no joint decisions. And we can’t see the other sides point through this wall.
This is American Politics today and sadly it seems many Americans are following their party like there is only one way. If there are two divergent parties and only one way there will always be a divide.
It does not have to be like this however. I can remember hearing a story about Bob Dole locking a bi partisan committee in a room. I am not sure what the issue was nor the result but the message was clear. Bob Dole told them that that had to work it out and come to a decision. He did not care what party it favored. The message was this you work for the American People and they deserve a decision that is best for them.
You see often an agreement is made and both sides are unhappy. I can remember my brother always saying those were always the best agreements.You see if one party is more happy than the other it was most likely not fair, If they are both unhappy both sides had to give in to demands they did not like it might not be 100 percent fair but will be certainly close to it.
It is impossible to come to an unhappy fair decision without listening to the other side and negotiating. This cannot be done if you stand on opposite sides of a wall and refuse to look toward the other side. Understand their position and even empathize with them on some points.Just as President Reagan implored to Mr Gorbachev famously in Berlin, I am asking you to tear that wall down. I think it is time has come for us to agree to disagree and be on the same side