Monday, February 13, 2017

American Democracy under siege.


General Flynn, the Russian Hack,The Clintons and Alternative Facts Voter Fraud

I think there is no question that this was a misstep. I do not think this will be the last. However if anyone thinks Flynn is stepping down I would think they are mistaken.

Now I do not think that this is the first time the a incoming administration had discussions with a foreign power prior to the inauguration. I am sure it happens all the time. To think that they talk about their children and the weather is simply foolish. Of course they will discus the incoming Administration and their goals moving forward. Why wouldn't they? Or more to the point why meet at all then.

What I find interesting is this persistent story about an election hack. Again I would point to with our free press there have always been stories on the presidential election. The October Surprise is almost scheduled for because we know it is coming. This year we had a Cocktober Surprise that was new.

Does anyone believe that the source of these "scandals" are never foreign born. That over the last 56 Presidential elections that this was the first time another Nation tried to influence it? That would be easy to disprove. Common sense would dictate that you know it is true, foreign governments try to influence our elections. This is not new.

I have said it before and I will say it again Hillary was a bad choice. To myself and many Americans the most damaging information did not come from email leaks, wikileaks, or the FBI. It came from Bill Clinton. It is outrageous that during a Presidential election that the candidate's spouse and former sitting US President stops a plane based on his power and clout to board and engage with the current Attorney General. Oh and your wife the candidate happens to be under investigation for losing information of a when we lost and Ambassador and Embassy and at least three other American Citizens.Miraculously within the next week Hillary was exonerated and would not be charged.

That was the most blatant abuse of power I have ever witnessed in the news. They did not even try to hide it. They did in public for the love of Pete. And it was probally not necessary and foolish on Bills part. They were never going to prosecute Hillary for this anyway. Huge blunder.

And we are worried about how wikileaks through the Russian government provided information on Candidate Clinton? I wont even go into how sloppy the democrats were with their information. How stupid they were to put damaging information into emails. I am not surprised as I think both parties frankly are that stupid. The Flynn deal right now proves it. The Republicans are not that bright either.

The Russians did not influence the election nearly as much as Mr and Mrs Clinton did to themselves over time. I don't think the American people see the Clintons as honest. How this persistent Russian hack keeps coming back into play is amazing to me. It is as if the Russians were in the voting booth which they were not.

Now if were proven that the Russians influenced the polls and were the source of bad information now that would be mind blowing. I think the false polls kept many from voting as the election was in the bag as it were. That misinformation had real effect on hurting Clinton my view more than anything else. Why is that not being looked into?

The Trump administration seems to want to keep this subject alive which is beyond foolish. There was no widespread voter fraud. This alternative fact simply undermines something that should be protected.

American Democracy seems to be under fire from both the Left and Right of our own United States that we do not have fair elections.

My question is why?

Edit wow I got this wrong  dude was canned within twelve hours of me writing this

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